William D. Furley: Abhandlungen/Articles

  1. ‘The Figure of Euthyphro in Plato’s Dialogue’, Phronesis 30, 1985, 201-208.
  2. ‘Motivation in the Parodos of Aeschylus’ Agamemnon’, Classical Philology 81, 1986, 109-121.
  3. ‘Andokides IV, Against Alkibiades: Fact or Fiction?’, Hermes 117, 1989, 138-156.
  4. ‘A note on [Lysias] 6, Against Andokides’, Classical Quarterly 39, 1989, 550-553.
  5. ‘Antiphon der Athener: ein Sophist als Psychotherapeut?’, Rheinisches Museum für Klassische Philologie 135, 1992, 198-216.
  6. ‘Die Adonien in Athen im Jahr 415: zu Aristophanes, Lysistrata 387-398’, Ktema 13, 1992, S. 13-19.
  7. ‘Seneca’s horrible bull: Phaedra 1007-1034’, Classical Quarterly 42, 1992, S. 562-566.
  8. ‘Types of Greek Hymns’, Eos lxxxi, 1993, 21-41.
  9. ‘Besprechung und Behandlung. Zur Form und Funktion von ΕΠΩΙΔΑΙ in der griechischen Zaubermedizin’, in: Philanthropia kai Eusebeia, Festschrift für Albrecht Dihle zum 70. Geburtstag, hrsg. von G.W. Most, H. Petersmann, A.M. Ritter, Göttingen 1993, 80-104.
  10. ‘Natur und Gewalt -- die Gewalt der Natur. Zur Rolle der Natur und der Landschaft bei Thukydides’, Ktema 15, 1990, 173-182. (Nachdruck im Sonderband: Nature et paysage dans la pensée et l’environnement des civilisations antiques. Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg 11-12 juin 1992, hrsg. von G. Siebert, Strasbourg 1996, 69-78.)
  11. ‘Apollo humbled: Phoenix of Kolophon’s Koronisma in its Hellenistic Literary Setting’, Materiali e Discussioni 33, 1994, 9-31.
  12. ‘Praise and Persuasion in Greek Hymns’, Journal of Hellenic Studies, 115, 1995, 30-47.
  13. ‘Zum Egoismus der griechischen Götter’, in: Th.L. Heck (Hrsg.), Das Prinzip Egoismus, Tübingen (Nous Verlag) 1994, 82-90.
  14. ‘Zur Aktualität der euripideischen Herakleidai’, Philologus 139, 1995, 1, 76-88.
  15. ‘Phaidra’s pleasurable ΑΙΔΩΣ: Euripides, Hipp. 380-7’, Classical Quarterly 46.1, 1996, 84-90.
  16. ‘Religiöse Schuld in attischen Gerichtsverfahren’, in: J. Assmann u. Th. Sundermeier (Hrsg.), Studien zum Verstehen fremder Religionen, Bd. 9, Schuld, Gewissen und Person, 1996, 64-82.
  17. ‘Eingebettet im Nichts: zum Ariadne-Brief in Ovids Heroides’, in: Ovid, Werk und Wirkung. Festgabe für Michael von Albrecht zum 65. Geburtstag, Frankfurt 1998 Teil I, 159-168.
  18. ‘‘‘Fearless, bloodless,... like the gods’’: Sappho 31 and the rhetoric of ‘‘godlike’’’, Classical Quarterly, 50.1, 2000, 7-15.
  19. ‘Komplementäre Erinyen-Hymnen in den aeschyleischen Eumeniden’, in: Hortus Litterarum Antiquarum. Festschrift für Hans Armin Gärtner zum 70. Geburtstag, hrsg. von A. Haltenhoff und F.-H. Mutschler, Heidelberg 2000, 143-151.
  20. ‘Hymns in Euripidean Tragedy’ in: Euripides and Tragic Theater in the Late Fifth Century, herausgegeben von M. Cropp und K. Lee and D. Sansone, Illinois Classical Studies 24-25, Champaign 2000, 183-197.
  21. ‘Delos. Changing patterns of ritual’, in: J. Kreinath, C. Hartung, A. Deschner (Hrsg.), The Dynamics of Changing Rituals. The Transformation of Religious Rituals within their Social and Cultural Context. Papers delivered at a conference in Heidelberg, Oct. 28-31, 1999, New York/Bern 2004, 179-189.
  22. ‘“Hirten -- nur Bäuche”? Zu einer umstrittenen Stelle in Hesiods Theogonie und Vergils ländlicher Dichtung’, in: Studia Humanitatis ac Litterarum Trifolio Heidelbergensi dedicata. Festschrift für E. Christmann, W. Edelmeier, R. Kettemann, hrsg. von A. Hornung, C. Jäkel, W. Schubert, Frankfurt 2004, 65-72.
  23. ‘Thucydides and Religion’, in: A. Rengakos & A. Tsakmakis (Hrsg.), Brill’s Companion to Thucydides, Leiden 2006, 415-438.
  24. ‘Prayers and Hymns’, in: D. Ogden (ed.), A Companion to Greek Religion, Oxford 2007, 117-131.
  25. 'Life in a Line: a reading of archaic and classical dedicatory epigrams', in: Manuel Baumbach, Andrej Petrovic, Ivana Petrovic (editors), Archaic and Classical Greek Epigram, Cambridge 2010, 151-166 ( Papers of a conference on pre-Hellenistic epigrams in Giessen, 7-10th April, 2005)
  26. ‘A lesson to all: Lykurgos’ fate in the Tbilisi hymn (P.Ross.Georg. I.11)’, ZPE 162, 2007, 63-84. View
  27. ‘Drama at the Festival: a recurrent motif in Menander’, in: J.R.C. Cousland and James R. Hume (edd.), The Play of Texts and Fragments. Essays in Honour of Martin Cropp, Leiden/Boston 2009, 389-401.
  28. ‘A medical treatise On Remedies. P.Zereteli no. 318a+b’, in: Isabella Andorlini (ed.), Greek Medical Papyri Vol.II, Florence 2009, 35-48. View
  29. ‘A note on Posidippus’ Pharos Epigram (no.~115 Austin-Bastianini)’, ZPE, 170, 2009, 29-30. View
  30. ‘“Admit me to the company of initiates”: suggestions on the text of the recently (re-)discovered gold funerary lamella from Pherai’, ZPE 170, 2009, 31-34. View
  31. ‘Philikos’ Hymn to Demeter’, Paideia LXIV 2009, 483-507. View
  32. ‘Hymns to Tyche and related abstract entities’, Paideia LXV 2010, 161-180. View
  33. ‘Homeric and un-Homeric hexameter hymns: a question of type’, in: Andrew Faulkner (ed.), The Homeric Hymns. Interpretative Essays, Oxford 2011, 206-231
  34. 'The Metamorphoses metamorphosed: Ted Hughes' Tales from Ovid' (1997) in: A. Heil, M. Korn, J. Sauer (Hrsg.), Noctes Sinenses. Festschrift für Fritz-Heiner Mutschler zum 65. Geburtstag, Heidelberg 2011, 21-28
  35. 'Revisiting some textual problems in the Delian Sarapis Aretalogy by Maiïstas (IG XI 4 no. 1299)', ZPE 180, 2012, 117-125. View
  36. 'The Epidaurian Hymn for the Mother of the Gods', in: Hymnes de la Grèce antique. Approches littéraires et historiques, edited by Richard Bouchon, Pascale Brillet-Dubois, Nadine Le Meur-Weissman, Lyon 2012, 233-251. View
  37. 'Pamphile regains her voice. On the newly published fragments of Menander's Epitrepontes, ZPE 185, 2013, 82-90. View
  38. 'P.Oxy. 2658 (= PCG vol. 8.1103) Menander's Perikeiromene after all?', ZPE 187, 2013, 93-100. View
  39. `Aspects of recognition in Perikeiromene and other plays', in: A. Sommerstein (ed.), Menander in Contexts, Proceedings of the Conference in Nottingham 23-25 July 2012, Oxford/New York (Routledge) 2014, 106-115
  40. `Widening horizons and the blind spot in New Comedy', in: Ghislaine Jay-Robert (ed.), Vision et regard dans la comédie antique Cahiers des études anciennes vol. 51, Quebec 2014, 155-181
  41. 'The text and staging of the recognition scene in Menander's Perikeiromene' in: Images and Texts. Papers in Honour of Professor Eric Handley ed. by Richard Green and Mike Edwards, London, Institute of Classical Studies, 2015, 31-43
  42. `Revisiting some questions in the text of Epitrepontes', in: Menandro e l'evoluzione della commedia greca a cura di Angelo Casanovo, Florence 2014, 25-39
  43. 'Narrative in a Late Hymn to Dionysos (P. Ross. Georg. i.11)', in: Hymnic Narrative and the Narratology of Greek Hymns, Edited by Andrew Faulkner and Owen Hodkinson, Leiden (Brill) 2015, 121-138. View
  44. `Textual notes on Herodas Mim. 8, ENHYPNION or The Dream', Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 58, 2015, 93-97. View
  45. 'Textual notes on Menander's Misoumenos taking in the most recently published fragments', ZPE 196, 2015, 44-48. View
  46. Dream and Vision in Herodas' Eighth Mime, Enhypnion, PAIDEIA, rivista di filologia, ermeneutica e critica letteraria LXXI 2016, 51-65. View
  47. More new fragments of Menander's Epitrepontes: C. Römer, ZPE 196, 2015, 49-54, ZPE 198, 2016, 19-21. View
  48. With Victor Gysembergh: Divination, pyromancy, Hesiod: P.Gen. inv. 161 has more to offer, ZPE 203, 2017, 1-23. View
  49. With Victor Gysembergh: A note on the reading Hesiod (ZPE 203, 2017, 1-23), ZPE 207, 2018, 14 View
  50. With Victor Gysembergh: A new edition of P.Ross.Georg. I 21, ZPE 208, 2018, 94-102. View
  51. 'Magic and Mystery at Selinus: Another Look at the Getty Hexameters' in: Cultural Plurality in Ancient Magical Texts and Practices, edited by Ljuba Merlina Bortolani, William D. Furley, Svenja Nagel, and Joachim Friedrich Quack, Tübingen, 2019, 42-61. View
  52. Contributions to Alan H. Sommerstein (ed.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy, 2019
    • Cairo Codex
    • Menander
    • Perikeiromene
  53. ' "Whom should I persuade ...?" Another look at an old problem in Sappho fr. 1 (P.Oxy. XXI 2288)', Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, vol. 220, 2021, 1-6. View
  54. 'Religious Arguments in Antiphon Rhetor', in: Sophia Papaioannou and Andreas Serafim and Kyriakos Demetriou (eds.), Rhetoric and Religion in Ancient Greece and Rome, Berlin and Boston, De Gruyter 2021, Trends in Classics: Supplementary Volumes 106, 59-77
  55. 'Religion and Ritual in Early Greek Lyric', in: Laura Swift (ed.), A Companion to Greek Lyric,Oxford/Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell 2022, chapter 2 pp. 19-33
  56. 'A chorus for Kybele in a new papyrus from the Red Sea', in: Nadine le Meur, Bénédicte Delignon, Olivier Thévenaz (edd.), Performance et mimesis. Variations sur la lyrique cultuelle de la Grèce archaïque au Haut-Empire romain, Kernos Supplement 40, Liège 2022, 31-38.

Last modified: Mon Apr.1 19:35:51 CEST 2024